What is My Number?
My Number is a 12-digit number that immediately identifies you when you go through social security, tax, and disaster management procedures in Japan.
When you enter Japan and complete the procedures at the municipal office, you will receive a “Notice of My Number” in the mail. Your My Number is shown on the Notice.
Examples of when My Number is required include the following:
- When you go through procedures such as social insurance and taxes at the municipal office
- When opening an account at a Japanese bank
- When you send money overseas or receive money from overseas
- When you start working for a company
- When you receive a pension, childcare benefits, or medical services
My Number is extremely important personal information.
Do not share the number with anyone. and keep it in a safe and secure location.
See Chapter 2: Procedures at Municipal Offices, Section 2: My Number System of “Living and Working Guidebook” for the details.
What is My Number Card?
“My Number Card” is a card with an IC chip containing your My Number,
My Number Card has some convenient features, but obtaining one is optional.
Please note that “My Number Card” is also referred to as “Individual Number Card.” The terms are used interchangeably.
Examples of when My Number Card is used include the following:
- When you need to inform your My Number or prove your identity
- When you want to use municipal services
- When you want to use it as a health insurance card
The procedures are detailed on the website dedicated to My Number, “My Number Card General Website“. The information is available in seven languages.
See Chapter 2: Procedures at Municipal Offices, Section 2: My Number System of “Living and Working Guidebook” for the details.
What are the benefits of having My Number Card?
Having My Number Card makes living in Japan easier.
Here are the benefits of owning My Number Card.
It can be used as an identification card
The number 1 benefit of having My Number Card is that you can use it as an ID.
When requesting for public or private services, you may be asked to present your My Number Card or other forms of identification in addition to your Residence Card.
You can go through certain residence related procedures online
If you want to change the information on your Residence Card (such as period of stay or status of residence), you would normally have to go to the Immigration Bureau to complete the procedure.
However, if you have My Number Card, you can go through the process online.
Refer to the following website below for the details.
Apply for residence procedures online
You can access to various administrative services at convenience stores
If you have My Number Card, you can obtain documents issued by the municipal offices, such as a copy of the certificate of residence, at a convenience store.
Please note that some municipal offices do not support this service at convenience stores and documents that can be obtained at convenient stores differ from office to office.
You can confirm the convenience store delivery service offering for your municipal office at the following website (available in Japanese only).
Convenience Store Delivery Service Offerings (Japanese)
You can submit the Moving-Out Notification online
When you move in Japan, you need to submit the Moving-Out Notification to the municipal office. You can make the submission online if you have My Number Card.
It can be used as a health insurance card
My Number Card can also be used as a health insurance card at hospitals and pharmacies.
※ You will need to apply for this after you receive My Number Card.
The following website lists hospitals and pharmacies where you can use My Number Card as a health insurance card. (The website is in Japanese only.)
List of hospitals and pharmacies where you can use My Number Card as a health insurance card
How to obtain My Number Card?
My Number Card may be requested at the municipal office.
You can also apply for it online at a later date if you prefer not to go through the procedure at the municipal office.
For more information on the procedure, please click on the link below.
For how to request for My Number Card, please go to this page.
Next, let’s find out about Inkan registration.
Review the Inkan (seal) registration
The information contained in this article is based on the information available as of March 31, 2023.